Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well now aren't y'all just spoiled today... Two posts in one night. Don't get used to it though... It won't always happen. Again some french with translations in THIS colour. I'm sorry if the French is horrible, to those who speak it. I'm using an electronic translator, and they aren't the best.


I sat and waited... I talked, I apologized, I prayed... nothing worked, so now... I sat. Holding her hand I silently begged her to wake up. Come on, Stace, I'd cry to the universe. Just open your eyes.... Please...

I'm sure I stunk. I traded my wheelchair in for a pair of crutches, but they sat unused in the corner. I hadn't left her side. I didn't care. I wasn't leaving. I ate whatever Max, or Flower, would bring me; the girls wouldn't even enter the room anymore.

I was pathetic.

Then the door opened and Nathalie walked in. I could tell from her perfume. She quietly took Staci's bandaged right hand, while I gently lifted her left and held it against my cheek.

“Her engagement ring?” Sh asked quietly. I smiled sadly and pulled it out of my shirt pocket. She reached over and covered my hand with hers. “Maybe she'd like it back, non? Then you're always here with her.” She smiled encouragingly and nodded as I replaced my beloved's ring on her finger. Somehow it felt right. “Now, Sidney,” she whispered her eyes showing her concern. “When was the last time you were home? Slept? Showered?” I shrugged and averted my gaze back to Staci, more so I could get away from Nat. “Sidney... Go home... Get a good night's sleep. Staci's parents are here and I'm sure Claire and Guy would like some time with her. Even Marc, Vero and Max.” I sighed deeply and kissed Staci's hand gently.

“You're right, Nathalie. I need to go home.” I saw her release a relieved breath and she stood quickly as I rose slowly from the bed. She grabbed my crutches for me as I leaned down and gently kissed Staci's forehead. “I'll be back, Stace. I love you. I'm sorry....” I took the crutched from Nathalie and slowly heading into the waiting room.... And the onslaught.


I sat and waited as first Sid came out of the room and was accosted by not only his parents, but hers as well (that was the third couple, Guy told me). Mrs Crosby quickly shoo'd him out to the car and the Lacoix's and Régnier's went to Staci's room. Jordan went with them. Support for Laura (yeah right! Support for Jordan more like.... he's like a little puppy now...).
After about half an hour they came back. Mme Lacoix looked like she had been crying, as the men all escorted their women out to the cars.

Flower and V were next. I sat alone in the waiting room, staring at all the different motivational posters. How did these really help? Did they actually work? Did people find them uplifting and helpful?

Keep your face towards the sun and you will never see the shadows!

Times are tough, HANG IN THERE!

Really? Give me a break!

They should have...

Your family member is dying, but be happy!

I sighed and leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. I'll just sleep a bit... Just until they're done. A few minutes tops.

Flower gently shook me awake, I blinked open my eyes to see both of my friends with red eyes.

“Nous allons à la maison, Maxime.” (We are going home, Maxime) Flower whispered. “Voyez-toi le matin.” (See you in the morning.) I nodded and rubbed at my face, waking up. I watched them both exit the hospital before standing and slowly starting towards Staci's room.

Seeing her lying there helpless wasn't a shock, per sey, but it wasn't easy either.

“Hey, Stace.” I smiled sitting in the empty chair on the left side of her bed. I knew Sid had been talking to her in French. Flower and V too... It's what she spoke. But English wasn't working, so I figured I'd try French. “Chacun est si sérieux et triste dedans ici. Je vais vous rire éveillé.” (Everyone is so serious and sad in here. I am going to laugh you awake.) I grinned and leaned back in the chair, taking her hand. “Prêt?” (Ready?) I cleared my throat.

“Qu'appelez-vous laitue épileptique?.... Seizure salad! (What do you call epileptic lettuce?)

“Ce qui vous appellent l'aide d'un magicien mort?... An abracadaver! (What do you call a dead magician's assistant?)

“Ce qui vous appellent l'association des donateurs de sang?... The IV League!” (What do you call the Association of Blood Donors?) I laughed loudly and let go of her hand so I could slap my knee. Once my laughter died down and I could re-open my eyes, I looked down at her to see her bright blue eyes staring back at me.

“Où je suis?” (Where am I?) She asked confused and surprisingly in French.



Okay, here's chapter 13 and 14 is in the works, so hopefully it won't be so long of a wait this time. Drama, drama, drama!


I could hear and feel so much. Which is weird because I was trapped in this world of darkness. I could hear the beeping of machines somewhere around me. I could feel something going into my left arm, it felt cold... Sometimes burning slightly.

My nose was itchy. I know it sounds weird, but it was driving me nuts! I just wanted to reach up and scratch it, but my arm wouldn't listen to what my brain was telling it to do. I tried desperately to scrunch my nose, hoping that would stop the itch... but... nothing....

I focused on the voice next to me instead. It was nice... Smooth, soft, like velvet. But it had this ache to it. It made me want to reach out and hug whoever it belonged to.

After what I assumed where days my sad voice disappeared and was replaced with a happy one. One that told me inappropriate jokes that made me want to howl with laughter.

The differences in my voices were extreme. The first, so sad... Sometimes there was more than just his, but all were the same sadness, the same... ache... His voice made me want to jump out of the bed and tell him that it's not his fault. I wondered what he'd done to make him so apologetic.
The other, jovial and safe. It was comforting and uplifting. Making me believe I could do anything. Including pull myself out of this darkness. I wanted to... For that voice.


We all sat back and watched him slip further into a depression as the days crept by and Staci still didn't open her eyes. Jack, Colby, and Mel had gone home. Their own teams and families needing them. We too had gone back to work.

Well... Most of us...

Captain Crosby just sat there by her bed... Day in... Day out...

“It's not healthy!” Jordan burst suddenly, tightening his hold on young Laura, momentarily, before loosening his grip, apologizing profusely. Claire and her husband, Guy, sat across the waiting room from the pair.

“At least he's here and hasn't tried to kill himself.” I shrugged. Laura gasped and buried her face deeply into Jordan's chest. Claire turned to glare at me, while Guy turned his anger to Jordan and his daughter. I wasn't trying to be harsh, but we all knew Sid, and his melodramatic tendencies.

“Has anyone talked to Mario?” V's soft voice shocked us all. Every head in the waiting room turned to her. She cleared her throat and smiled at Flower as he kissed her hand. “I'm just thinking that maybe... Just maybe, he'd listen to Mario. He hasn't listened to anyone else...” We all exchanged looks. We knew V was right, but no one really wanted the wrath of Sid when he found out who narced.

As we silently debated who would be the one to call the Lemieux's, salvation swept through the front door. Mario and Nathalie led the way, Mr and Mrs Crosby were directly behind them and there was a couple I didn't recognize bringing up the back.

Flower and V were the first ones up. Crossing the small space they met Mario and Nathalie quickly. Nobody moved as the four of them whispered amongst themselves. Occasionally someone would glance towards Staci's room. After only a few minutes Mr. Crosby stepped forward to join their conversation.

We watched as Mario explained the situation and Mr. Crosby took steps towards his son, looking angry and concerned at the same time. Someone, I think it was Jordan, gasped as Nathalie stopped him simply by placing her hand on his chest. She looked up at her husband and after receiving a small nod, headed towards the room that held Sid and Staci.

It's coming!!

I know... I know... I'm a horrible person for leaving you hanging for so long.

An update is in the works... About half way?

Should be up tonight. I hope.

Thank you ALL for your patience.

Friday, July 17, 2009



I paced up and down the waiting area of the hospital. Ok, I wheeled. Staci was just beyond those double doors.

The accident that placed me in this wheelchair with a broken femur, a few cracked ribs, and some scrapes and bruises had also placed Staci, my Staci, beyond those double doors. She was in her third surgery in as many days. This one, however, was taking longer than the others. Her nurse, Gina, said that was a good thing, it meant she was strong and could handle the surgery itself. But that didn't mean she was ever going to wake up.
I sighed loudly before turning the wheelchair I was bound to and headed back the other direction.

“Sid, man, you're denting the floor; I can see the grooves.” Colby, my best friend since moving to Pittsburgh chuckled, half serious. I looked up and glared at him, catching the concerned look in Mel's, his girlfriend, eye. “Dude, don't bite my head of with your evil eyes. She's going to be fine. Stop freaking out.” I shook my head, sighing again, as I turned to head the way I started.

About two feet down in my direct path stood my childhood friend, and Staci's, Jack. I sighed as I rolled up to him.

“Move, Jack.” I mumbled the first words I spoke to anyone but Staci in three days.

“Not until you stop pacing, or whatever it is you're doing.” Jack stubbornly stated. I turned my face up to glare at him.

“Move, Jack.” I bit out through a clenched jaw and I saw him shake his head sadly. “I'm not afraid to run over your foot, you poor excuse for a friend.” His eyes betrayed his hurt at my comment for a brief second before the stubbornness resumed.

“Forget it, Sid. You're going to have to throw me out, and I was stronger than you before you got hurt, so good luck, buddy.” He tried to grin, but to me, it looked more like a grimace as I moved the chair to go around him. As I moved, he moved with me, blocking every angle. I finally gave up on that direction and turned to find Marc in front of me going the other way.

“Daryl, we know you love Staci.” He started, Vero standing directly at his right shoulder. “We know you're worried about Staci. We all are.” He sighed gesturing to the room that had been filled with friends and family from Pittsburgh and beyond. “But you need to stop. You're hurting yourself. Just stop, Sid.” Marc's soft words, in that stupid accent, did it. All of the emotions I didn't want any of them to see. All of the emotions I had poured out to her when she wasn't in surgery fell out of me.

All I could do at that moment was hang my head in my chair and sob. I, myself, was shocked at how painful and loud my sobs sounded. I was so lost in my own grief that I didn't feel Vero, Mel, and Nathalie surround me in comforting embraces; their own tears gently falling onto my head and shoulders.

We sat there clutching at each other for what seemed like hours. I realized then that this was my support system. These were the people that would get me through this. Good or bad. 'Please God,' I prayed, 'just let it be good.' I clung to them until an official sounding throat clearing caught my attention. The three women pulled away from me, revealing a tall, young doctor.

“Mr. Crosby,” he started with a sigh. “Mr. Crosby, your fiancée is out of surgery now. We've done all we can for the burns. She is still unconscious, we're unsure of how long she'll remain in that state, but expect a while yet. Her body has gone through a lot.” I stared up at the doctor and nodded mutely.

“Is she going to be ok?” Vero quietly asked at my right shoulder. The doctor sighed that heavy sigh that doctor’s give when they know that the answer they have is not the answer you want.

“That's not an answer I can give at this moment.” We all stood there, shocked, those who were seated now stood behind myself, Marc, Jack, and the girls. “What I mean is, she's been through a major trauma. 75% of her body is covered in second or third degree burns. She suffered sever internal injuries and excessive external ones. However, we have seen over the past three days that she is a fighter. And I have faith that she will pull through,” He sighed for the fourth or fifth time. “However I can make no guarantees on her well being at this point. We need her to wake up before anything can be determined.” He smiled sadly and nodded before heading back through those damned double doors.

I simply sat, miserable, and in more shock than my body thought it could handle. My hands shook and had a fairly good idea that my voice had left my throat. So I just sat... Staring at those double doors, waiting for her to walk through them.

“Sidney...” A soft African accented voice called through my haze. My eyes moved slowly upwards to find Gina standing near me. “How would you like to sit with her again?” I nodded wordlessly and saw her mouth the word 'sixteen' to whoever was standing behind me. My sigh echoed the walls as the person behind me pushed me down the hallway to 'sixteen' as Gina mentioned. They paused directly outside the door, causing me to take hold of the wheels.

I turned my head to look back and saw Jack staring wordlessly at the fragile being on the bed.

“I know, Jack... I know...” I whispered wheeling myself a little into the room. I turned again to see him slowly turning. “Hey, Jack?” His head turned mid step to take me in. “Thanks.” I half smiled, genuinely. My friend returned the smile with slight difficulty before nodding and walking slowly back to the waiting room.

I turned back to the bed in the middle of the room and wheeled up to it carefully. I easily and gently took her bandaged hand in mine before letting my head collapse onto the bed and my sobs escaped.

“I'm sorry, Stace...” I sobbed, praying she could hear me. “Jesus, I'm so sorry...”

Monday, July 13, 2009


Here's a super short teaser for you. More, hopefully, tomorrow.


“Alecia... I really don't think this is a good idea.” A timid voice came from the backseat of the black Volvo waiting three blocks away from the bar.

“Shut up, Kate. I told you already. We have to get rid of the girls. One by one. Now, keep your trap shut and just watch out for any of the other guys.” She sneared back to the timid voiced girl. Kate sat in the back seat, peering out into the night, trying desperately not to girl in the front seat.

A phone chirped loudly next to Alecia, who shivered excitedly.

“It's time. They've just left. Cass saw Sid get in the driver's side.” The third girl smiled evilly, her eyes glinting in the street lights, causing Kate her own shiver, though not one of excitement like the others.

Alecia circled back another four blocks and came barreling down the street at 80 miles an hour. Kate sat praying in the backseat, clutching tightly to the handle on the door. 'Oh God,' she cried silently, 'please protect everyone in both cars!' All three girls screamed as the Volvo hit the SUV directly on the passenger's side.


We waved easily at our friends as we slowly pulled out of the parking lot.

“What do you think, Stace?” Sidney asked, taking my hand in his and holding it to him, protectively.

“Of?” I asked innocently.

“What food should we get?”

“Hmm... I think a little bit of everything would be good, don't you?” I laughed easily as he lifted my hand to kiss gently.

“Who cares about food... I could just eat you.” He waggled his eyebrows at me, causing me to crack into hysterics. “Babe, could you grab the CDs? They're under your seat.” He pouted adorably at me, before giving me back my hand.

“Of course, Sidney,” I leaned over and quickly kissed his pouting mouth before bending forward to grab the CD case from underneath the seat. I was halfway up before I heard the squeal of tires and could feel the SUV tip precariously. “SIDNEY!” I screamed as I felt the side of the door crumble onto my legs, I felt my head connect with the center consul and my brain went muffled and blurry.

“Staci?!” I could hear Sid screaming, even though he sounded like he was under water. “Staci, baby, wake up!” I tried to move to look at him, but found myself perfectly still, and without any control of my own body. I could smell something in the distance... Gas? Was there a gas leak somewhere? “Stace, hold on!” I heard Sidney yell at me, his voice getting farther and farther away from me. “STACI!” I could barely hear his scream as a blinding white light took over my consciousness before flooding my world with darkness.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

commercial break

We interupt this story with a breif commercial break.

I've stumbled across a story a while back, and wanted to share it with you guys.

Give Tillie some love and check out her story. Very entertaining.

Saturday, July 11, 2009



I glanced back once, my brow furrowed at the worried expression plastered on her face. She stood with Marc and Vero standing on either side of her, chewing her nail. She never chewed her nails, that's when I knew something was really bugging her.

Sighing, I turned back to my task, I slowly made my way across the dance floor, having my shirt grabbed by different women, who I nodded politely to and kept going. Finally, I reached my destination. Max. Basically having sex in the middle of the dance floor. Gently I tapped his shoulder.

“Max, we're all heading back to the house. Come with.” I shouted into his ear. He stopped devouring his partner's neck and turned to face me still 'dancing', if you could call it that.

“Nah, I think we're good here.” Max smirked mischievously just before turning back to his friend.

“Staci, asked me to invite both you and your friend. If you want to join us, that's where we'll be.” I saw Max barely nod, gave him another pat on the shoulder and turned to leave.

As I turned I was met by a wall of four gorgeous girls. They seemed young, probably 18 or 19.

“Ladies,” I nodded my acknowledgement before moving to the right to walk around them.

“Hi,” one of the girls purred stepping to her left and directly into my path. “Leaving so soon?”

“Yup, heading home...” I faked a yawn and tried to go the other way, the girl on that end stepping into my path.

“What's the hurry,” she cooed, wrapping her arm comfortably around my waist.

“I'm sorry ladies, but I have people waiting for me.” I quickly shook her off and sent visual sign for help to the group upstairs. One of the middle girls stepped in front of me.

“All we're asking, Sid,” She smiled sweetly, innocently, “is that you take a really long hard look at your fiancée. We could do all that and more for you.” She winked and with that turned and headed towards the bar. The two on the end quickly following, leaving the second girl in the middle.

“We'll be watching, Sid.” She blew me a kiss and followed her friends back to the bar. I stood there stunned at the women for a moment, barely hearing Max step up behind me, with his friend wrapped in his arms.

“Hey, man, are you ok?” I shook my head out of it's funk and turned to him smiling slightly.

“Yeah, I'm good.” He grinned and started walking towards the door. About ten feet from where I stood cemented to the ground he turned around and stared at me with a worried expression.

“Dude, are you coming or not? We're going to your house.” I nodded and turned to glance at the four girls would sat at the bar, ignoring the gaggle of men surrounding them.

“Yah... I'm coming...” My brow furrowed as I turned back to Max and started towards the VIP section and then the door. Staci met me halfway to the door with Vero and Marc right behind her. Marc simply shook his head, while Vero wore a concerned expression as Staci folded herself into my arms. “Hey,” I whispered into her hair as we continued to walk towards the door, “it's okay... I'm fine... You're fine...” I kissed the top of her hair gently before I opened the door to the SUV for her. I jogged quickly to the other side and rolled down the window to address our friends before leaving. “See you guys at the house. Guy and Claire aren't there, but Jordan and Laura might be. If they are... Flower?”

“We'll make sure nothing happened!” Marc assured me, and Vero nodded next to him.

“Ok, we're going to stop for food.” I smiled and rubbed Staci's hand as she stared out the passenger side window. “Any requests?”


“Sushi!” Tyler called, Erin draped under his arm.

“PIZZA!” I heard Max call from down the parking lot. Staci and I chuckled along with our friends before starting the vehicle and pulling out of the parking lot.

“See you at the house!” I called waving out of the window.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hi guys,

I'm sorry, chapter 10 is in the works right now, and almost finished. I'm just trying to figure out how I want something to happen. Not as easy as you'd think.

Anyways, it should be up this weekend forsure!